Supported Employment Services
Supported Employment is an evidence based model which helps people with mental illness find and keep jobs in the community. It’s comprehensive, in that it supports people through the entire work experience. It’s also very tailored to the individual, and brings the team of providers working with a client together to provide support. We built the program around a recovery model in which employment is a part of the recovery process and an integral part of wellness.
Employment Specialists are available to help with job exploration activities, from figuring out what the person is interested in doing to working with them on their benefits planning. When it comes time to apply and interview, clients in the program can get help with applications and do mock interviews. Employment Specialists meet directly with employers and clients, which helps to build supportive relationships from the get-go.
The program doesn’t end once someone gets a job. Employment Specialists help clients learn job tasks, understand workplace culture, manage work relationships, develop natural and peer supports, handle stress, and develop self-advocacy skills through role playing. We also offer long-term, follow-along job support to help clients with things like symptom management and handling changes in the worksite over time.
Clermont County Supported Employment Programs
Work Initiative Network (WIN): Serves adults with severe mental illness.
Springboard Employment Services: Serves adults with mental health issues who are involved in counseling.
Hamilton County Supported Employment Programs
Touchstone Employment Network: Serve adults with severe mental illness.
Youth Employment Services (YES): Serves youth with mental illness.
Aspire Employment Services
This program helps people with substance use disorders to gain employment. (Clermont County only.)
Vocational Rehabilitation Services
This program serves people with mental illness, developmental disabilities, physical disabilities and substance use disorders referred by Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities. (Hamilton, Clermont, Butler, Warren Counties.)
Employment First Initiative
This statewide initiative helps people with developmental disabilities find and keep competitive jobs in the community, and includes:
Career exploration
Job seeking skills training
One-on-one help with job searching
Job coaching
Long term follow-along job supports
Supervised Employment Training
This program provides people with paid work training, giving them on-the-job experience and the opportunity to develop good work habits, attitudes, and interpersonal skills. Site Coordinators lead work crews of five to eight client employees to provide janitorial, grounds maintenance, commissary warehousing, food preparation and catering services for local companies in the community. Client employees may work from six to 25 hours per week on a temporary basis and are paid at least minimum wage. (Hamilton County residents only.)
Community Alternative Sentencing Center
The Community Alternative Sentencing Center is an alternative to traditional jail for adults charged with certain misdemeanor drug and alcohol abuse-related crimes.
Pathways 26
This unique partnership (comprised of two county boards and four CARF accredited vocational rehabilitation agencies) serves people with severe and persistent mental illness and/or those with developmental disabilities. Vocational Coordinators provide counseling and guidance, vocational planning, and vocational services to more than 300 individuals.
Community Link
In this collaborative welfare to work project, Workforce Specialists help people overcome barriers to work and find employment. It targets people working with the Department of Jobs and Family Services through Ohio Works First.
Ticket To Work Employment Network
We’re part of this federal program, designed to support people as they move toward self-sufficiency and long-term employment retention.