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Millstone Fund Supports GCB Connects


Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services is proud to accept funding from the Millstone Fund in support of GCB Connects, an open access program based out of our main location at 1501 Madison Road in East Walnut Hills.

Pictured with GCBHS staff are members of the Millstone Board. Far left are: Corrie Scaringe; Valerie Folger; and Elle Folger. On the right are Ted Folger, Jr.; Carly Chu; and Ted Folger, Sr..

GCB Connects works as a triage program of sorts. People who need help can come through the front doors, be assessed and assisted, THAT DAY. Launched in 2021, as a result of what we learned during the covid-19 crisis, clients are encouraged to come to the clinic - no appointment needed, and are greeted by peer support workers (staff who have a lived experience with mental health and/or substance use disorder). The peer will conduct an intake and assessment of the individual, identifying immediate needs and safety concerns as well as mapping out a long-term treatment plan.

With this new system, GCBHS providers can identify barriers clients are facing to treatment and recovery, including housing instability and financial concerns, and work with them that day to connect to the resources they need. By addressing the most pressing needs during their first visit, GCBHS is building a trusting relationship and increasing the chances of individuals continuing treatment and avoiding relapse.

The program connects clients to a variety of supportive services to address immediate needs, such as housing or access to food, that could impact their recovery. The long-term goal of GCB Connects is to improve the overall health of the Greater Cincinnati community by increasing access to immediate mental health and addiction services and reducing barriers to recovery.

GCB Connects serves about 25 individuals each day on average, but the demand for assistance continues to grow. The grant funding from the Millstone Fund and other funders, will enable us to add program staff and increase the capacity of those being served through GCB Connects.

To meet the current demand for services, GCB Connects needs to hire additional staff to process incoming clients. The goal will be to double the amount of people being seen each day to 50.

#GCBHS would like to thank the Millstone Fund and its Board for their kindness to our organization.

The Millstone Fund is a private family foundation based in Greater Cincinnati. Funded by Jeremy F. Simpson, the foundation focuses on improving the quality of life for people throughout the Cincinnati region by supporting nonprofit organizations who focus on Health, Education, and Arts.

You can find more information about the Millstone Fund HERE!

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