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GCBHS staffer speaks at a CityLink Function


Updated: Jul 10, 2023

Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services (GCBHS) partners with many organizations throughout Greater Cincinnati, including CityLink Center. At CityLink clients can extend their education, learn a skill, receive assistance with employment, transportation, and many other services. #GCBHS offers counseling to some of CityLink's clients.

Recently CityLink Center held its quarterly luncheon called, The Road I've Traveled. The event highlights the stories of CityLink alumni so that current clients can learn from the journey of others who have been a part of CityLink's successes. This year's theme is mental health and GCBHS' counselor Lawrence McNickles was asked to speak at the luncheon, "I spoke about stigma and the need for mental health in our current climate due to increased stressors."

Lawrence provides mental health counseling to CityLink clients who are referred through one of their various programs. Lawrence also does group sessions with program classes discussing topics such as conflicts in the workplace, mindfulness, and how to manage trauma.

You can learn more about CityLink Center and the services they offer the community HERE.

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